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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


A Study on the Importance of Languages in Didactics

DOI: 10.36647/TTLL/02.01.A004, PP. 16-20

Subject Areas: Literature

Keywords: Didactics, foreign language, language and linguistics

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The core aim of this report is to determine the overall importance of language learning the field of didactics. Accordingly, certain core objectives of this research have been designed. Key focus has been mainly placed upon the overall aspects based on foreign language teaching and trans-disciplinary affordances. Core focus has also been placed on the identification of various factors that influence the level of effectiveness maintained while addressing core language issues. Following this, a definite research methodology has been addressed. Accordingly, an exploratory research design has been undertaken with such followed by selection of a qualitative research type. The overall duration of the research has been stated as well, while underlining the key inclusion and exclusion criteria to be maintained. Following this, the overall data collection and data analysis strategy used within the entire research have been underlined, including qualitative method to be selected for both data collection and analysis. The core analysis has been undertaken through creation of specific themes. The analysis and associated discussion presents overview of the key factors that are important to be considered while undertaking language learning in didactics, while allowing various language issues to be addressed as well.

Cite this paper

Catoto, J. S. and Lakshmi, D. (2023). A Study on the Importance of Languages in Didactics. Technoarete Transactions on Language and Linguistics, e8810. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.36647/TTLL/02.01.A004.


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