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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Comparison between British Literature and American Literature

DOI: 10.36647/TTLL/01.02.A003, PP. 12-17

Subject Areas: Literature

Keywords: American Literature, English literature, periods, writers

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The entire study has been engaged itself to make a comparison in between British Literature and American Literature. Both American and English literature has been divided with various periods which have been significantly discussed while analyzing the eminent works and features of each era. The history of English language, British Literature, American literature has been showcased within the entire study. American and British literature both has their own significance in their own sphere of influence. Comparison between both of this literature will be a total disaster but there are still some of the differences. American literature is motivated with ideologies like political infirmity, religions and social conditions. Whereas British literature is full of romantic tales and literature is more motivated to the human as well as moral values. All of the above have been resulted due to the ideologies of both the countries' writers. The British writers are however considered as the classical writers while American writers are the modern writers. The conclusion has given a brief account of this while discussion

Cite this paper

sekhar, K. C. and Manalao, A. M. (2022). Comparison between British Literature and American Literature. Technoarete Transactions on Language and Linguistics, e8805. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.36647/TTLL/01.02.A003.


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