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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


A Study of the Social and Emotional Skills for Private Secondary Schools Students in Bangkok Based on the Conception of Social and Emotional Skills

DOI: -, PP. 9-14

Subject Areas: Sociology

Keywords: High School Student, Private Secondary Schools, Social and Emotional Skills

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This descriptive research was to study the level of social and emotional skills of private secondary school students in Bangkok based on the conception of social and emotional skills. The informants were 410 high school students from 82 private secondary schools in Bangkok. The tool used in this research was a questionnaire on the levels of social and emotional. skills of private high school students in Bangkok. Statistics used for data analysis consisted of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The findings revealed that the overall level of social and emotional skills of private high school students in Bangkok was very good. Of the social and emotional skills, the rankings were as follows: 1) responsible decision-making, 2) relationship building, 3) self-awareness, 4) social awareness, and 5) self-management. The findings reflected that private secondary school students in Bangkok the highest ranking in responsible decision-making skills.

Cite this paper

Theppitak, P. and Chaemchoy, S. (2023). A Study of the Social and Emotional Skills for Private Secondary Schools Students in Bangkok Based on the Conception of Social and Emotional Skills. Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Social Sciences and Humanities, e8739. doi: http://dx.doi.org/-.


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