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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Exploring the Potential of IoT for Smart Agriculture

DOI: -, PP. 7-12

Subject Areas: Computer graphics and visualization, Computer Vision, Complex network models, Cooperative Communications, Computational Robotics, Computer and Network Security

Keywords: Agriculture, IoT technology, smart firming

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The study has depicted the overall impact of IoT technology in the agriculture field that strengthens the economic strength of the firming industry. Secondary data collection procedure and thematic data analysis process have been used in this study based on peer reviewed journals that increased the reliability and validity of this study. Role of IoT technologies in smart firming has been discussed over here along with advantages and disadvantages of the IoT technology. Security threats under IoT technology in the agriculture field also have been highlighted in this study to meet the goal of the study. Concept of IoT technology has referred the network exchanging procedure through different devices such as sensors, robotics and drones. Implication of automation process of IoT technology considering greenhouse innovation also has been focused over here. GREEN implication along with block chain technology and its impact on smart firming have been considered in this study to justify the study. Economic and environment sustainability also have been focused in this study to evaluate the significance of IoT technology in smart firming.

Cite this paper

Fernando, J. G. and Sathibabu, A. (2022). Exploring the Potential of IoT for Smart Agriculture. Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Computer Applications, e8722. doi: http://dx.doi.org/-.


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