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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Identification of the Cybersecurity Issues Associated with Implementing Automated Vehicles in the UK

DOI: -, PP. 14-20

Subject Areas: Computer Vision, Cooperative Communications, Complex network models, Computational Robotics, Computer and Network Security, Computer graphics and visualization, Communication Protocols

Keywords: Connectivity, Data Security, NetworkSecurity, Privacy

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Autonomous vehicles are increasingly being seen as a possible solution to the mobility issues of the future. The UK has recently joined a global race to develop and deploy automated vehicles. However, the deployment of autonomous vehicles brings with it a number of cybersecurity issues that must be addressed in order to ensure the safety and security of the users and the systems. This paper identifies the key cybersecurity issues associated with the deployment of automated vehicles in the UK, such as the need for secure communication protocols, secure software and hardware components, and the need for robust authentication methods. The paper also discusses potential solutions to address these issues, such as the use of blockchain technology, and the development of automated vehicle security standards.

Cite this paper

Yadav, S. P. and P, D. R. P. (2022). Identification of the Cybersecurity Issues Associated with Implementing Automated Vehicles in the UK. Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Computer Applications, e8718. doi: http://dx.doi.org/-.


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