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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


A study on the use of machine learning and complex hierarchical structures to visualise text categorization

DOI: -, PP. 8-16

Subject Areas: Computer Vision, Computer and Network Security, Complex network models, Computational Robotics, Cloud Computing, Communication Protocols

Keywords: Hierarchical Structures, Machine Learning, Text Categorization, Visualization

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This study examines the use of machine learning and complex hierarchical structures to visualize text categorization. It considers the challenges of text categorization and the potential for machine learning algorithms to address these challenges. The study also examines the application of complex hierarchical structures to visualize text categorization and their potential to help improve accuracy and efficiency. Additionally, the study considers the potential of machine learning and complex hierarchical structures to improve the user experience through the development of user-friendly interfaces. Finally, the study evaluates the potential of machine learning and complex hierarchical structures to improve the performance of text categorization tasks.

Cite this paper

Rajan1, V. and Krishnan, V. G. (2022). A study on the use of machine learning and complex hierarchical structures to visualise text categorization. Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Computer Applications, e8712. doi: http://dx.doi.org/-.


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