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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The UPI Revolution: An Analysis of India's Rapidly Growing Online Transactions

DOI: -, PP. 1-6

Subject Areas: Business and Economics Education, Business Analysis, Behavioral Economics

Keywords: UPI, Digital Payments, Mobile Payments, Online Transactions, Financial Inclusion, Digital Economy, Mobile Apps, Payment Apps, COVID-19, Internet Penetration, Convenience, Cybersecurity, Financial Literacy, Merchant Acceptance, Policy Implications, Transaction Limits, Interoperability, Digital Infrastructure

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This research paper analyses the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) revolution in India and its impact on the growth of online transactions. The UPI, introduced in 2016, has rapidly gained popularity, recording over 8.6 billion transactions, worth over INR 12.08 trillion in, March 2023. The paper examines the factors driving UPI adoption, including convenience, history and development and integration with payment apps. It also explores the UPI's impact on India's economy, including financial inclusion during covid-19. Despite its remarkable growth, the paper also highlights some limitations of UPI, such as limited internet connectivity, transaction limits, and security concerns. The UPI's growth trajectory remains impressive, and UPI is likely to continue driving the growth of online transactions in India in the years to come. This research highlights the significance of the UPI revolution and provides valuable insights for policymakers, businesses, and researchers in the field of digital payments.

Cite this paper

Sood, R. , Saini, N. and Sahi, S. K. (2023). The UPI Revolution: An Analysis of India's Rapidly Growing Online Transactions. Technoarete Journal on Advances in E-Commerce and E-Business, e8703. doi: http://dx.doi.org/-.


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