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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Technologies used in Services and Impact of Those in Providing Security

DOI: -, PP. 21-27

Subject Areas: Business Communication, Business Analysis, Business and Economics Education

Keywords: 5G technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Covid19 outbreak, Cybersecurity, Detecting security intrusions, Machine Learning, Technologies, Virtual care innovations

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Introduction: Technology may be utilised by security experts to conserve effort and money. Security practitioners may administer and monitor their own prevention programs and those of their “teammates or contractors successfully with the appropriate equipment”. A healthier workplace has been made possible by “protective technologies”, “robots”, “artificial intelligence”, “machine learning”, and “information technology”. Aim: To recognise the various technologies applied to operations and their effect on security. Material and Methods: “Numerous investigation techniques used during the study” have indeed been explored throughout the research subject. The “interpretivism research philosophy”, which has been founded on a “conceptual model”, was employed by the scholar. Additionally, the scholar has employed “secondary qualitative data-gathering techniques” that aid in “gathering reliable knowledge”. Results: The research study clarified the findings and covered a portion of the subject described concerning the “innovations utilised in offerings and their effects on supplying security”. It has been made clear that a variety of technologies are being employed to counter the threat posed by digital security. While “AI and ML are extensively utilised technologies” that many organisations are progressively adopting to address security issues. Conclusion: The world is gradually evolving and after the covid19 outbreak various new aspects have come forward where security has become a key part of organisations and individuals. The adoption of various technologies, especially, “AI and ML have been effective” and this trend is going to be high in the upcoming days.

Cite this paper

Arora, J. B. and Leela.M.H (2022). Technologies used in Services and Impact of Those in Providing Security. Technoarete Journal on Advances in E-Commerce and E-Business, e8700. doi: http://dx.doi.org/-.


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