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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Big Data Analytics in Developing Smart and Sustainable Solutions for the Agricultural Industry1

DOI: 10.36647/TTADSA/01.02.A001, PP. 1-7

Subject Areas: Big Data Search and Mining, Artificial Intelligence

Keywords: Big data analysis, BigData tools and systems, smart and sustainable solution and agriculture industry

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Here, the main aim of this paper is to discuss the process and procedure of big data analytics that can develop smart and sustainable solutions for the agricultural industries. This paper also tends to collect relevant and reliable information or data input regarding developing smart and sustainable solutions using big data analytics for betterment of the overall agricultural industry. As many previous researchers have proposed the fact that big data analytics can be used to tackle increasing challenges of agricultural production such as granular data on rainfall patterns, water cycles, fertilizer requirements, and more. Here, this particular study module aims to show the importance of sustainable yet smart solutions for the agricultural industry. Moreover, it has also shown different roles of data analytics in terms of providing smart agricultural solutions that has conversely shown the both beneficial and non-beneficial sides of big data analytics during developing smart solutions for better agricultural prediction. As it has already been highlighted the main objective of this specific research is to analyse the process of developing smart and sustainable solutions for the agricultural industry different methodologies or random analytical process such as positivism research philosophy, descriptive research design and secondary data collection method has been applied to acknowledge the methods of implementing or developing smart and solutions by using big data analytics in agricultural industry. At the end a brief discussion and analysis has been shown through using two tables of implementation and a big data analytics flow chart in order to outline the steps that needed to be performed for developing smart and sustainable agricultural solutions.

Cite this paper

Lohit, V. S. and Mujahid, M. M. (2022). Big Data Analytics in Developing Smart and Sustainable Solutions for the Agricultural Industry1. Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Data Science and Analytics, e8633. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.36647/TTADSA/01.02.A001.


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