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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Role Of Crowdsourcing in an Organization

DOI: 10.36647/TTADSA/01.01.A002, PP. 5-7

Subject Areas: Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Search and Mining

Keywords: Scalability, cross-cultural business environment, Cultural diversity, crowd drafting

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The main use of crowdsourcing is the efficient way of getting several relevant ideas and information for the business. Crowdsourcing can also generate several uses and benefits over the process of internal ideation and business process that will not only access the ideas, but they could drive the marketing buzz and engage several customers. Furthermore, crowdsourcing is also impacting several marketing strategies through generating the idea to several consumers. Furthermore, there are several benefits and challenges of crowdsourcing for an organisation such as adopting the vision that can guide the efforts of idea generation. It states that the idea generation always starts with the shared vision of defining the focus areas and innovation processes. The linking of the ideation for strategic focus area and innovation portfolio is important as the organisation should be implementing the idea management within a structured manner. However, it is also found that several companies embrace the program that is aimed at the idea management for having successful innovation behaviour.

Cite this paper

Scalability, environment, C. B. , diversity, C. and drafting, C. (2022). Role Of Crowdsourcing in an Organization. Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Data Science and Analytics, e8629. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.36647/TTADSA/01.01.A002.


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