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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Use of Fast-Acting Insulin Analog for Preparing a Pharmaceutical Composition for Preventing, Treating, or Alleviating Diabetes

DOI: 10.36647/TTRRAMB/01.01.A005, PP. 21-24

Subject Areas: Microbiology, Biotechnology

Keywords: Metabolic disturbances, E-bacteria, amino acids, Regular Human Insulin (RHI)

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Diabetes is the most common disease in India that mostly affects adult people and reduces physical strength. Diabetes decreases insulin production in the human body that creates various physical disturbances such as damage to the heart, stroke, and others. In the past decades, medical treatments have followed long-acting insulin that reduces life expectancy rate and increases mortality rate in India. Along with that, in the present time, India's medical treatment has adopted the pharmaceutical composition of insulin to prevent diabetes and manage blood sugar in the human body. In this regard, this research study has selected some previous research papers to understand the importance of fast-acting insulin analogue to prevent diabetes. According to the secondary information, most of the medical treatment process in India has adopted fast-acting insulin analogue to prevent diabetes. Moreover, though fast-acting insulin analogue India reduces mortality rate and increases the life expectancy of adult people in India.

Cite this paper

Venkatachalam, H. (2022). Use of Fast-Acting Insulin Analog for Preparing a Pharmaceutical Composition for Preventing, Treating, or Alleviating Diabetes. Technoarete Transactions On Recent Research In Applied Microbiology And Biotechnology, e8620. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.36647/TTRRAMB/01.01.A005.


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