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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Impact of Social Entrepreneurship in SMEs of India

DOI: 10.36647/TTEIB/01.02.Art002, PP. 8-23

Subject Areas: Entrepreneurship, Business Management

Keywords: Social entrepreneurship, SMEs, social development, profit growth, social enterprises

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The study sheds light on the concept of social entrepreneurship and its impact on SMEs in India. Social entrepreneurship is considered as the innovative business ideas that are not only effective to enhance the profit margin of organisations but also able to solve specific social problems. Analysing the effectiveness of social entrepreneurship approach on SMEs in India is the main purpose of this article. Different perspectives of different authors are identified from several articles and journals which are analysed. It is identified from the reviewed articles that social entrepreneurship education has become a vital part of higher education in India.

Cite this paper

Singh, D. D. (2022). Impact of Social Entrepreneurship in SMEs of India. Technoarete Transactions on Economics and Business Systems, e8397. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.36647/TTEIB/01.02.Art002.


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