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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Implementation of CRM and its Impacts on Business Performance and Customer Handling

DOI: 10.36647/TTEBS/01.01.Art002, PP. 6-10

Subject Areas: Business Analysis, Behavioral Economics, Business Communication, Business and Economics Education, Accounting

Keywords: CRM software, analyze

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Abstract: This particular research study sheds light on the impacts of CRM software on business organizations. Therefore, the purpose of this particular research article is to analyze the ways of implementation of the CRM software. Thereafter, to analyze the beneficial sites of the CRM software and its impacts on several sectors of the companies is another purpose of this particular research article. Thus, the researcher has adopted proper research techniques and methods for gaining more information and knowledge about the research topic. The researcher has used secondary techniques for collecting data and qualitative techniques for analyzing the collected data in this study.

Cite this paper

Aparna (2022). Implementation of CRM and its Impacts on Business Performance and Customer Handling. Technoarete Transactions on Economics and Business Systems, e8381. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.36647/TTEBS/01.01.Art002.


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