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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721

MEST Journal  2022 


DOI: 10.12709/mest., PP. 92-101

Subject Areas: Managerial Economics, Business Finance and Investment

Keywords: external assistance, ecology fund, environmental protection, municipal waste management, public financing, private financing, public-private partnership.

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Developing countries face various obstacles to proper and sustainable waste management. Their authorities cannot manage waste properly because this process requires significant financial resources. Our analysis highlighted the problems of poverty and unstable finances, more precisely, the main reason waste management does not appropriate is the lack of budgets at the local or state level. The administrations need to allocate more funds for integrated sustainable waste management to achieve better results. This article describes different options for municipal waste management projects' financing based on the experience of several selected countries. Particularly it focuses on problems and challenges of the Republic of Moldova in municipal waste sector financing. In conclusion, we gave several recommendations for improving the waste sector financing policy. Also, we underlined that it is necessary to develop a methodology for calculating tariffs. At present, the local public administration has developed those tariffs based on old regulations, which are already outdated in time and do not reflect actual costs for adequate waste management.

Cite this paper

Iordachi, V. and Timus, A. (2022). MUNICIPAL WASTE MANAGEMENT FINANCING OPPORTUNITIES. MEST Journal, e3595. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12709/mest.


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