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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Developing a Knowledge Management`s Framework for identification of Success factors in the Product Acquisition Cycles - case of aviation Industries Organization

DOI: 10.52547/ijie.1.1.72, PP. 76-100

Subject Areas: Management Organization, Strategic Management, Organizational Behavior, Industrial Engineering, Technology And Innovation

Keywords: Knowledge Management, Product Acquisition Process, Success Requirements of the Knowledge Management, Aviation Organizations

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Determining the success factors of the product acquisition process has initialized extensive researches at the level of institutions and organizations. However, few studies have been done about the success requirements of knowledge management in the product acquisition process. Therefore, in this research it is attempted to deal with this topic with a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative studies. At the qualitative stage by the use of the studies and the half-organized interviews the key knowledge which was very important for the success of each of the product acquisition phases was determined. Then this knowledge was translated to knowledge requirements, and at the next stage, a new model of assessing the situation of each of these requirements in product acquisition phases was presented. Finally, each situation was assessed with the knowledge management cycle approach in above-mentioned organizations. The results indicate that the knowledge production step in all of the product acquisition phases has an inappropriate situation, but the sharing process has an inappropriate situation in all phases except the knowledge production phase.

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Elyasi, M. , Mohammadi, M. , Baharloo, M. , Khosropour, H. and Taheri, Z. Developing a Knowledge Management`s Framework for identification of Success factors in the Product Acquisition Cycles - case of aviation Industries Organization. International Journal of Innovation in Engineering (IJIE), e5341. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.52547/ijie.1.1.72.


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