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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Iatrogenic Pneumothorax During Parathyroid Gland Biopsy: A Case Report

DOI: -

Subject Areas: Clinical Medicine, Surgery & Surgical Specialties

Keywords: Pneumothorax, Thoracostomy, Biopsy, Fine-Needle, Iatrogenic Disease

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An important subgroup of traumatic pneumothoraces, iatrogenic pneumothorax may occur during a variety of invasive procedures, including surgeries. In this report, we present a case of iatrogenic pneumothorax that occurred during parathyroid gland biopsy. A 54-year-old male patient arrived at our clinic complaining of acute onset right-sided chest pain and dyspnea that occurred during parathyroid gland biopsy. The patient’s physical examination revealed diminished respiratory sounds in the right hemithorax. Pneumothorax in the right hemithorax. Chest tube thoracostomy was immediately performed through the right fifth intercostal space. While air drainage ceased on the second post-procedure day, auscultation revealed diminished respiratory sounds in the right apical zone on the fourth post-procedure day. Chest x-ray was performed on the same day, revealing lung expansion defect. The chest tube was clamped and a chest x-ray was repeated two hours later, which showed no significant difference. The chest tube was removed. Control physical examination and chest x-ray did not reveal any significant abnormalities and the patient was discharged. It should always be kept in mind that perithoracic and cervical invasive procedures may cause iatrogenic pneumothorax.

Cite this paper

GED?K, ?. E. Iatrogenic Pneumothorax During Parathyroid Gland Biopsy: A Case Report. Clinical Surgery Research Communications, e1279. doi: http://dx.doi.org/-.


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