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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The burden of unspecified febrile syndrome in a community hospital of Cuba

DOI: 10.21608/MID.2020.26826.1000, PP. 6-14

Subject Areas: Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, Virology

Keywords: Unspecified febrile syndrome, dengue, hospital, cost, Cuba

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Background: The Cuban health-care system recommends the hospital admissions of patients with unspecified febrile syndrome (UFS) to rule out arboviral diseases and to prevent healthcare associated adverse outcomes. Aim: Evaluate the burden of unspecified febrile syndrome in a Cuban hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in the Hospital Joaquín Albarrán (La Habana, Cuba) from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2019. It was collected the admissions and patients days (total and UFS patients) and laboratory test for dengue diagnosis. Results: During the three-year period, the epidemic curve starts in April-May and decline in November, with the highest peak in August 2019. It was admitted 16964 patients with UFS representing 43% of the hospital admissions, and 43512 patients’ days were documented. In 2019 the 51.9% of the hospital admissions and 22.9% of patients’ days were related to UFS, and were performed 7492 IgM test (repeated test in 89 patients) and 46.2% were reactive. Conclusion: The hospital admission related to unspecified febrile syndrome constitute a challenge to the organization and the healthcare system to provide the best care for all and minimize its economic impact.

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Garcell, H. G. , Pé, C. R. , Dí, R. , azorcid, Nodal, M. R. , Lozano, A. R. , Quesada, C. M. and Fuente, C. O. M. (2020). The burden of unspecified febrile syndrome in a community hospital of Cuba. Microbes and Infectious Diseases, e760. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21608/MID.2020.26826.1000.


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