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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



DOI: 10.18523/2519-4739312018150582, PP. 63-68

Subject Areas: Socioeconomics, Entrepreneurship, Business Finance and Investment, Public Economics

Keywords: security, state, economic science, revolution, production, region, branch, innovation

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The article analyzes the emergence and evolution of the definition of “socio-economic security of the state” (socioecosestate) as an integral part of Ukraine’s national security. An important component for its economy is the formation of a harmonious branch structure with certain qualitative technological levels of production corresponding to a certain technological structure. Attention is also focused on the regional aspects of security of economic development at all levels: international – global and subregional, macro level – national, meso-territorial – territorial and branch, micro level – legal entities and individuals. The article focuses on the fact that any system, including social and economic, can have sustainable development only with the achievement of harmonious quality of both sectoral and territorial structures whose elements correspond to the needs of their time. Only with bringing these elements in quantitative and qualitative correspondence to each other and the system as a whole, the sustainable development of the latter will be able to provide it with the necessary dynamism for a long time. Proposals on this issue are given in the article. The article emphasizes that economic security in the regional dimension arises on the international and mesoriginals, and at the micro level, each enterprise or citizen has a regional affiliation, since they operate in a certain territory. This is the subregional division of the world economy, and the mezzanine related to the division of macroeconomics into certain administrative-economic regions of each country is the subject of a regional aspect of the study of economic security. The article proposes to urgently develop ways of creating an infrastructure for the structural adjustment of the economy and a mechanism for investment regulation of the process of expanded reproduction of the social product which is only able to ensure sustainable and accelerated development of the national economy. There has also been a long-standing need to optimize the technological and territorial structures of the Ukrainian economy in their close interconnection. In connection with the long-standing need for administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine where the administrative-economic areas that were formed during the Stalin era do not meet the requirements of nowdays for a long time, the article proposes to hold a new administrative-territorial division (ATD) of the state.

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Kuzmenko, V. REGIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL ASPECTS OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SAFETY OF THE STATE. Scientific Papers NaUKMA. Economics, e5059. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18523/2519-4739312018150582.


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