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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Concept of a Marginal Personality in the Process of Acculturation

DOI: 10.18523/2617-89071153517, PP. 5-10

Subject Areas: Sociology, Art, History, Philosophy

Keywords: intercultural interaction, marginal personality, strategies of acculturation, cultural marginalization, acculturation strategy, ethnic specificity

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The purpose of our article is an analysis of cultural marginalization, the correlation of this definition with the processes of cross-cultural contacts and assimilation. The basis of this study is the interrelation of value systems of two cultures in which a person is involved, the result of which is the ambiguity, the uncertainty of status and role in the process of intercultural interaction. Based on the analysis of events and facts from different areas of human activity, we determine the trends of socio-cultural transformations, the emergence of new, adequate changes in socio-cultural paradigms. We consider the concept of ?marginal personality? in the process of intercultural interaction between representatives of different national cultures. Research methodology. Many major historical, philosophical and culturological publications and studies on this subject (survey reports, scientific journals, monographs, and newspaper articles) have been reviewed. Statistical data are widely used in our research. The paper raises questions about the spheres of human life, the prerogatives of the individual and the group. Results. Migration activity encourages the culture to understand national patterns and identity. The ba-sis of cultural marginalism is the interrelation of value systems of two cultures in which a person is involved, the result of which is the uncertainty of its status and role. Novelty. This paper attempts to show a range of relevant aspects of today. We tried to explain what areas of a person’s life can be controlled by the state and what should remain the prerogative of the individual and the group. In terms of the research problem, we point out the negative impact of unorganized migration, which significantly changes the social culture. The practical significance. Ukrainian researchers can find the information contained in this article useful in developing new strategies for acculturation. Marginal person takes the leading place among them.

Cite this paper

Berezinska, O. The Concept of a Marginal Personality in the Process of Acculturation. NaUKMA Research Papers. History and theory of culture, e4206. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18523/2617-89071153517.


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