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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Project of the Creation of an Ottoman Nation and Attempts at Turkification

DOI: -, PP. 55-69

Subject Areas: Human Geography, Anthropology

Keywords: II. Abdülhamid, Ottoman Nation, Press, Turkishization

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One of the most controversial periods of the Ottoman History, II. Abdulhamid period political life has certain prohibitions, as well as certain innovations. In the history of the 19th-century Ottoman state, the administrative mechanism having penetrated to the society has new demands from its subjects, waiting for more initiative. Now, as opposed to passive subjection, there is an emphasis on citizenship with more active participation and responsibilities, for the Ottoman Nation. In this study, we aim to investigate the characteristics of early innovations in the Ottoman press with respect to the political and social circumstances of II. Abdulhamid period.

Cite this paper

U?u?, M. (2019). The Project of the Creation of an Ottoman Nation and Attempts at Turkification. Mevzu - Journal of Social Sciences, e8966. doi: http://dx.doi.org/-.


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