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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


G?NSENG?N ?ZELL?KLER? VE SA?LIK üZER?NE ETK?LER? The Properties of Ginseng and Its Effects on Health

DOI: 10.25279/sak.321750, PP. 211-222

Subject Areas: Nutrition

Keywords: Ginseng, Ginsenoside.

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Ginseng is a botanical used with medicinal purposes in far eastern countries. It is thought to be the most effective resistance increasing plant against stress. It has been on the list of the most sold herbal products in the world. As a result, consumption of ginseng is constantly increasing. Today, ginseng based food supplements made from tablets are made from the roots of many well-known plant species such as Korean or Asian ginseng, Siberian ginseng and American ginseng. It is known that ginseng generally increases physical and mental capacity in humans, reduces fatigue, provides physical strength, and increases resistance to stress and aging. . It is thought that most of the proposed effects of ginseng occur due to the ginsenosides found in ginseng.

Cite this paper

Yaman, A. M. and Ta?demir, A. (2017). G?NSENG?N ?ZELL?KLER? VE SA?LIK üZER?NE ETK?LER? The Properties of Ginseng and Its Effects on Health. Sa?l?k Akademisi Kastamonu, e1715. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.25279/sak.321750.


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