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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Super Theory of Relativity-Explanation to ‘Rest Mass of Photon’, ‘Quantum Entanglement’ and ‘Consciousness’

DOI: 10.11648/j.ajmp.20140306.15, PP. 232-239

Subject Areas: Special Theory of Relativity, Neuroscience

Keywords: Special Theory of Relativity, Siva’s Theories, Film Theory of Universe, Double Relativity Effect, K-Suryon, Super Theory of Relativity, Consciousness, Rest Mass of Photon, Quantum Entanglement

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Siva’s theories explained the necessity of new theory for description of the Universe, space ,time ,space-time and matter. It explained the formation of ‘space time continuum’ in terms of ‘Films of the universe’ and an effect of consciousness associated to living things. Thus it is required to bring consciousness in to physical laws and transformations. The relation between physical world and consciousness has been analyzed clearly and explained that consciousness, if we interpret in physics, must be an inertial frame of reference which can be transformed in to inertial frames defined by ‘Special Theory of Relativity’. It is possible only by changing the signal velocity from ‘c’ to ‘c√2’ . Thus the ‘Special Theory of Relativity’ has been modified and named as ‘Super theory of Relativity’. The relativistic factor for it is also calculated as [1 (v2/c2)]1/2 where v = vo [{1- (vo2/c2)}]-1/2 here vo is its absolute velocity .The necessity to adopt a new signal velocity which is greater than that of light has been discussed and the ‘Principle of Relativity’ and ‘Principle of simultaneity’ which are basics for transformation has been applied to interpret it in terms of relativity. It has been concluded that velocity of light is a part of signal velocity and photon will have rest mass. It says that the observable velocity is a result of absolute velocity multiplied by relativistic factor for ‘Super Theory of Relativity’. Thus infinite signal transformation is introduced for transformation between Inertial frames of reference. Infinite signal velocity will explain the ‘Quantum entanglement’ in terms of transformation of physical laws from one frame to another as explained in ‘Special & General Theories of Relativity’.

Cite this paper

Kodukula, S. P. (2014). Super Theory of Relativity-Explanation to ‘Rest Mass of Photon’, ‘Quantum Entanglement’ and ‘Consciousness’. American Journal of Modern Physics, e6167. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.11648/j.ajmp.20140306.15.


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