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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Comparisons between the Hybrid Taguchi-Genetic Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm

DOI: 10.7508/AIEM-V1-N1-10-18, PP. 10-18

Subject Areas: Industrial Engineering, Engineering Management

Keywords: Hybrid Taguchi-Genetic algorithm, Genetic algorithm, Optimization problems

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Hybrid Taguchi genetic algorithm can be used to solve the global continuous optimization problems. Aside from the global search capability of traditional genetic algorithm, it further combines Taguchi experimental method to explore the optimal feasibility of the offspring. Taguchi method is inserted between the crossover and mutation operations of the traditional genetic algorithm. Hybrid Taguchi genetic algorithm also seems to outperform the traditional genetic method in obtaining the optional or near optimal solutions because of its fast convergence ability and robustness. Although the hybrid Taguchi genetic algorithm is more powerful than the traditional genetic one in the optimization of global continuous function, yet it still needs further investigation to conclude if it also offers better solution than the latter to the optimization of global discrete function. Therefore, this study tries to compare the two algorithms in each individual’s performance in the optimization of global discrete function. It aims to figure out whether the hybrid Taguchi genetic algorithm is better than traditional genetic algorithm or not.

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Sun, K. , Lin, C. , Chan, H. , Kang, H. and Ku, M. Comparisons between the Hybrid Taguchi-Genetic Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm. Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management, e668. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7508/AIEM-V1-N1-10-18.


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