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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Prevalence of dental anomalies among cleft lip and palate patients : A cross sectional study

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1111385, PP. 1-13

Subject Areas: Dentistry

Keywords: Prevalence, Tooth abnormalities, cleft lip, cleft palate

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This is a descriptive cross-sectional survey whose aim is to evaluate the prevalence of dental anomalies in a Moroccan cleft lip and palate population. The sample included 210 patients examined at the Operation Smile Morocco center in Casablanca the period from January 10, 2022 to March 10, 2022. The results showed that positional anomalies are the most frequent anomalies including ectopia with a number of 501 ectopias without significant predominance among male and female. Regarding number anomalies, agenesis is the most common anomaly with a number of 173 agenesis. Permanent incisors are the most affected by this anomaly with a significant male predominance with a rate of 38.72%. In permanent dentition, microdontia remains the most frequent shape anomaly with no significant predominance among males and females. Our study showed that amelogenesis imperfecta is the most frequent structural anomaly with a male dominant character with a rate of 58.43%. The other dental abnormalities were very rare or even absent, therefore it didn’t have a significant rate in our survey. In conclusion, and given the frequency of these dental abnormalities in patients with cleft lip and palate, early multidisciplinary management is necessar.

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Ousehal, L. , Sair, S. and Lazraq, A. (2024). Prevalence of dental anomalies among cleft lip and palate patients : A cross sectional study. Open Access Library Journal, 11, e1385. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1111385.


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