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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Evaluation of the Relationship between ADHD and Comorbid Psychiatric Conditions: A Comprehensive Study on a Large Cohort

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1111111, PP. 1-10

Subject Areas: Clinical Medicine

Keywords: ADHD, Psychiatric Comorbidity, Gender Diversity, Transgender Mental Health, DSM-5, Gender-Specific Diagnosis, Comorbidity Patterns, ADHD in Women Key Points

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This study analyzes the intricate psychiatric landscape accompanying attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), focusing on the prevalence and nature of comorbidities among diverse gender categories, including transgender and non-binary individuals. We examined data from 1528 participants using standardized diagnostic tools through the ADHDtest.ai website under the leadership of MD Adeel Sarwar. Our findings reveal a noticeable prevalence of anxiety disorders, especially in the non-binary (63.2%) and transgender (37.5%) populations, indicating an urgent need for healthcare services tailored to their needs. Additionally, among females with an ADHD diagnosis, 44.97% reported no pre-existing conditions, suggesting a distinctive presentation of ADHD in this demographic. Our approach deviates from traditional views, such as those presented in the 2016 study by Caye et al., which posited that adult ADHD must derive from childhood. The prior research, which followed 5249 Brazilian youths into adulthood, relied on DSM-5 criteria to identify ADHD’s continuity from childhood. By contrast, our study, with subjects primarily from the USA, UK, and Canada, emphasizes a nuanced gender distribution and highlights the importance of considering ADHD as possibly representing a divergent developmental path rather than solely an extension from childhood. This research stresses the necessity of gender-specific considerations in ADHD diagnosis and treatment, mirroring the National Institute of Mental Health’s recommendation for a multifaceted evaluative method to improve clinical outcomes. The data, anonymized to protect privacy, illuminates the intersection between ADHD and various psychiatric disorders, including gender-specific variations in clinical presentation and comorbidity profiles. By centering on severe ADHD manifestations in females and incorporating the experiences of transgender and non-binary individuals—groups often underrepresented in psychiatric epidemiology—the study broadens our understanding and suggests individualized therapeutic strategies that encompass all gender identities and interconnected psychiatric conditions.

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Sarwar, A. (2024). Evaluation of the Relationship between ADHD and Comorbid Psychiatric Conditions: A Comprehensive Study on a Large Cohort. Open Access Library Journal, 11, e1111. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1111111.


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