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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Considerable Development of the Type Additive-Quadratic g(λ)-Functional Inequalities with 3k-Variable in (α12)-Homogeneous F-Spaces

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1110970, PP. 1-25

Subject Areas: Mathematics

Keywords: Additive g(λ)-Functional Inequality, (α1, α2)-Homogeneous F-Space, Additive-Quadratic g(λ)-Functional Inequality, (α1, α2)-Homogeneous F-Space

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In this article, I use the direct method to study two general functional inequalities with multivariables. First, I prove that the g(λ)-function inequalities (1) and (2) are additive in (α12)-homogeneous F-spaces. After that, I continue to prove that the g(λ)-function inequality (1) and (2) are quadratic in the (α12)-homogeneous F-space. That is the main result in this paper.

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An, L. V. (2023). Considerable Development of the Type Additive-Quadratic g(λ)-Functional Inequalities with 3k-Variable in (α1,α2)-Homogeneous F-Spaces. Open Access Library Journal, 10, e970. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1110970.


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