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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Extrafamilial Communication and Risky Sexual Behavior of Adolescents in Urban Areas, Mont Ngafula Health Zone in Kinshasa

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1110961, PP. 1-18

Subject Areas: Public Health

Keywords: Extra-Familial Communication, Risky Sexual Behavior, Adolescent Sexuality

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Introduction: Among adolescents, engagement in risky sexual behavior is an important public health problem. This study aims to analyze the influence between extra-familial communication and the adoption of risky sexual behaviors among adolescents. Method: It is a descriptive-correlational and transversal type study. A survey was carried out in the Kindele health area of the Mont NGAFULA health zone. The population of our study is made up of all adolescents living in the Kindele health area of the Mont NGAFULA health zone, i.e. 748 adolescents of all sexes combined, including our sample, the total of which was 400 adolescents living in the neighborhood. Kindele in the commune of Mont Ngafula. Results: The results of this study demonstrate that there is both a positive and negative relationship between extra-familial communication and the sexual behaviors of adolescents in an urban environment. Concerning sources of information, very few adolescents, 7% to 10%, talk to parents about sexuality. Among the other main sources of information exploited by adolescents regarding sexuality, we have school, friends, television and other unspecified sources which are more exploited by adolescents. As for the influence of all these sources of information on risky sexual behavior, it remains partial when they are taken in isolation, therefore on average 40.4% by school, 18.6% by television programs, 22.5% through interviews with friends, 4.6% through colleagues, 3.4% through newspapers and 2.4% through the Internet, 1.3% through radio and 1% through sources non-specific. Among the risky sexual behaviors adopted by adolescents, we have 60.5% of cases of early sexual intercourse, 81.8% of cases of multiple partnerships and 83.4% of cases of non-use of condoms. Conclusion: We must strengthen the teaching program on life education and monitor its integration in all media and schools; create support structures for young people and adolescents (social promotion center, youth center, etc.) for the sustainability of information on sexual and reproductive health; strengthen awareness campaigns for young people through conference debates on sexual and reproductive health problems and organize training for parents in order to provide them with the necessary knowledge, which will allow them to dialogue with their children in the family without complexes. Finally, clean up the media in order to protect young people from any perverted information, as well as from programs that have no moral value for adolescents.

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Mamba, S. M. , Tshilomba, D. , Kiyonge, O. , Tshitala, C. N. and Bukasa, A. K. (2024). Extrafamilial Communication and Risky Sexual Behavior of Adolescents in Urban Areas, Mont Ngafula Health Zone in Kinshasa. Open Access Library Journal, 11, e961. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1110961.


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