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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Perception and Representation of Drug Consumption by Finalist Students of the Kele-Kele Educational Institute in Kananga, Central Kasai Province

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1110718, PP. 1-12

Subject Areas: Public Health

Keywords: Perception, Representation, Drug Use, Finalist Students, Kananga, Central Kasai Province

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Introduction: The spread of drug use in schools is growing from year to year, requiring the intervention and involvement of all stakeholders in order to stem this scourge. This study sought to understand the perception and representation of students at the Kele Kele Educational Institute on drug consumption. Methods: This is a study that is part of the field of mental health, school health component. It is of the qualitative phenomenological type. 38 students from the Kele Kele Educational Institute were interviewed. Data analysis was carried out using the phenomenological reduction method. Results: The results showed that students perceive drug consumption in 2 ways: drugs are like food and also like an intellectual stimulant. So drugs as a physical tonic capable of changing mood. In this, they represent drugs as a stimulant in different moods of the organism. For young people, drugs provide a feeling of self-control and well-being; On the other hand, unfavorably, drugs produce a feeling of headache or weakness. And in most cases the finalist students of the Kele Kele Pedagogical Institute consume two types of drugs: hemp and alcohol. Conclusion: Faced with the scale of drug consumption in schools and the negative consequences it has on social and academic development, health, and youth, it seemed imperative for parents of students to take the problem seriously. Arm the body. But to fight against the consumption and marketing of drugs in schools, the Congolese youth ministry should make a plea for a definitive cessation.

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Mulamba, P. N. , Bukasa, A. K. , Kabamusu, C. K. , Muyaya, T. T. , Tshibasu, G. T. , Mikobi, S. K. , Kamba, M. N. , Kabanga, C. K. , Augustin, T. B. , Tshiamanga, S. K. , Maka, G. M. , Wabuza, R. S. and Makangu, A. T. (2023). Perception and Representation of Drug Consumption by Finalist Students of the Kele-Kele Educational Institute in Kananga, Central Kasai Province. Open Access Library Journal, 10, e718. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1110718.


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