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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Analyzing the Impact of Operations Management as an Approach to Sustaining Effective Corporate Governance in the Public Health Sector in the Provincial Department of Health of KwaZulu-Natal

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1110607, PP. 1-15

Subject Areas: Operations Management

Keywords: Operations Management, Managers, Corporate Governance, Municipality

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Operations management has gotten sizable consideration in the corporate world owing to its remarked advantages. It supports the effective management function of controlling and supervising needed services and people. With effective operations management, individuals such as nurses, general practitioners and other medical personnel can give caring services. In view of the impact of operations management, the objectives of the study were to ascertain if executives and health representatives can engage in planning that creates the highest level of efficiency within the organisation; establish if the management exercises control that can promote rational decisions; determine whether, through the operational skills and exposure, the management can direct operational resources towards achieving the best efficiency; establish whether the executives and their subordinates can recognise the factors hampering OM and their method of corporate governance, and assess the extent to which health representatives can expedite the efforts of OM to implement effective corporate governance. In this study, simple random sampling was applied to choose essential respondents from the KwaZulu-Natal healthcare units and centres. 259 responses were obtained and acknowledged as the sample size of this study. The accumulated data were captured and evaluated on Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) v26.0 to yield descriptive and inferential statistics. The most crucial outcome of this study was that the healthcare workers agreed that the management function of planning, organising, controlling, supervising, staffing, coordinating and leading was all fundamental to establishing and running a successful business. The matter that emerged from the respondent’s views was that the operators were not fervent with the ethical code that guides their operations, although some of them did exert effort to embrace transparency, accountability, fairness, teamwork, risk management and integrity in their line operations and mode of governance. The main recommendation that is made here is that healthcare leaders and operatives must be enlightened about the importance of an ethical code to maintain effective corporate governance. This could also be a path for further research.

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Mthembu, N. E. , Dlamini, B. I. and Ogunsola, S. A. (2023). Analyzing the Impact of Operations Management as an Approach to Sustaining Effective Corporate Governance in the Public Health Sector in the Provincial Department of Health of KwaZulu-Natal. Open Access Library Journal, 10, e607. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1110607.


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