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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Interactive Meaning in the Film Frozen: A Visual Grammar Analysis

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1110515, PP. 1-12

Subject Areas: Linguistics

Keywords: Social Semiotics, Multimodal Discourse Analysis, Visual Grammar, Interactive Meaning, Frozen

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Multimedia technology develops and brings considerable changes of interpersonal communication. Nowadays, communicating with non-verbal languages like pictures, texts, music etc. is a common occurrence. And scholars have started to construe the meaning behind these new discourses which are carried by more than one mode. As a result, it unseals the gate to the analysis of multimodal discourses and the discourses of it ranges from predominant still discourses in the form of pictures, posters, etc., to dynamic discourses, in the form of dynamic advertisements, TV shows, films, etc. Due to the lack analysis of dynamic discourses, especially filmic discourses, this thesis chooses five scenes of the film Frozen as the data. And backed up by the foundation stones—visual grammar, an analysis of the selected scenes will be made in visual mode in order to test the adaptability of applying visual grammar to analyze filmic discourses and elaborate the transmittal of interactive meaning in this film. The present study shows that visual grammar, mainly applied to analyze still images, can be also propitious to the transmittal of interactive meaning in filmic discourses because the rules conform to the meaning transmittal of the film Frozen. Besides, this thesis also concludes the producer’s major ways in the transmittal of interactive meaning both in visual mode. By analyzing the selected scenes of the film Frozen, the present study may serve as an expansion of dynamic discourse analysis, and be propitious to elaborate the transmittal of interactive meaning in filmic discourses.

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Wang, Q. (2023). Interactive Meaning in the Film Frozen: A Visual Grammar Analysis. Open Access Library Journal, 10, e515. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1110515.


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