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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Effect of Entrepreneurial Motivation on Psychological and Social Capital of Youth Fruit Agrienterprises in Nakuru County

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1110418, PP. 1-17

Subject Areas: Entrepreneurship

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Motivation, Psychological Capital, Social Capital, Structural Equation Model, Youth

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Youth make up the highest population in the world. The increase in global youth population has resulted to increased unemployment among the youth. Due to this, many youths have opted to explore business enterprises. Youth-based fruit agrienterprises are important in sustaining agricultural productivity. Entrepreneurial motivation has a significant role in enhancing the success of these agrienterprises. There are many factors that impact youth agrienterprises, therefore, it is important to understand these factors. While most researches have focused on external factors affecting agrienterprises, intrinsic factors which equally influence agrienterprises have not been exhaustively researched on. This study examined the effect of entrepreneurial motivation on psychological and social capital of youth-based climate smart fruit agrienterprises in Nakuru County. The study used a cross-sectional survey and multistage sampling method to select a sample of 260 youths. Structural Equation Model was used to determine the effects of entrepreneurial motivation on social capital and psychological capital. The results indicated that necessity motivation (P < 0.1, P < 0.002, P < 0.005, and P < 0.001), influenced cognitive social capital, relational social capital, self-confidence and resilience respectively. The results also revealed that opportunity motivation (P < 0.001) influenced cognitive social capital, relational social capital, hope, self-confidence, optimism and resilience. Similarly, opportunity motivation (P < 0.009) had an influence on structural social capital. The study recommends that psychological and social capital contents should be incorporated in entrepreneurial.

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Kokown, W. J. , Bett, H. K. , Opondo, F. and Okello, D. O. (2023). Effect of Entrepreneurial Motivation on Psychological and Social Capital of Youth Fruit Agrienterprises in Nakuru County. Open Access Library Journal, 10, e418. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1110418.


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