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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Research on Chinese-to-English Translation of Revolutionary Spirit in Southwest Zhejiang

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1110261, PP. 1-8

Subject Areas: Linguistics

Keywords: Red Culture, Ideology, Functional Equivalence, Translation Strategies

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The red revolutionary spirit is becoming stronger and brighter as time goes by. The propaganda and research of red cultural resources, especially regional red cultural resources, can make the red spirit shine in the new era and spread it to the whole country and even the world. This paper takes Chinese-to-English translation of the revolutionary spirit in southwest Zhejiang Province as the main study object. Through the previous literature study, this paper expounds on the current situation of the Chinese-to-English translation of propaganda text of the revolutionary spirit in southwest Zhejiang Province and studies the effective ways of the translation of the propaganda text of the revolutionary spirit in southwest Zhejiang Province from the aspects of ideology, translation purposes and text features. Based on the red cultural resources and the paths of carrying forward and practicing the revolutionary spirit in southwest Zhejiang in the new era, this paper focuses on the research value of the revolutionary spirit in southwest Zhejiang and explores the publicity paths of the revolutionary spirit and culture of southwest Zhejiang.

Cite this paper

Luo, X. (2023). Research on Chinese-to-English Translation of Revolutionary Spirit in Southwest Zhejiang. Open Access Library Journal, 10, e261. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1110261.


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