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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Prevalence and Profile of Arterial Hypertension among Workers of the National Electricity Company from 2015 to 2017, City of Kinshasa

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1109737, PP. 1-9

Subject Areas: Public Health

Keywords: Prevalence, Profile, Arterial Hypertension

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Introduction: Our study focused on the prevalence and profile of arterial hypertension among SNEL workers in Kinshasa. Arterial hypertension is a major public health problem in developing countries. For our study, the aim was to assess the prevalence and profile of hypertension among SNEL workers. Specifically, we would like to estimate the prevalence of arterial hypertension among SNEL workers, determine the profile of SNEL workers, and establish the relationship between the profile and the occurrence of arterial hypertension. Method: It is a quantitative, descriptive and correlational study, bearing on a sample of 9285 workers treated during 3 years. The polyclinic of the SNEL includes 2082 hypertensives. We had done the retrospective documentary analysis and the data were recorded in a collection sheet. Results: After analyzing and processing the data, the results show that the annual prevalence is 671 hypertensives out of 2,722 patients, i.e. 24.7% in 2015; 497 hypertensives out of 1,777 patients, i.e. 27.9% in 2016; and 914 out of 4,786 patients, i.e. 19% in 2017. And the prevalence of hypertension for the three years is 22.4%. The bivariate results demonstrate that individuals whose age ≤ 60 years are more exposed (χ2 = 4.93; dof = 1; p =0.05); female is more exposed (χ2 = 4.91; p = 0.05); subjects weighing more than 70 kg suffer more than those ≤70 kg (χ2 = 119.37; p = 0.001); for marital status, the unmarried are more exposed (χ2 = 318.44; p = 0.001); managers are more exposed than agents (χ2 = 81.90; p = 0.001). Conclusion: Arterial hypertension is a serious public health problem at the SNEL because its prevalence is 22%. Individuals who are under 60 years old, female, weigh more than 70 kg, unmarried, and executives of SNEL are more prone to arterial hypertension.

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Agnes, M. K. , Augustin, K. B. , Chantal, K. , Stéphane, K. T. , Dieumerci, K. K. , Pascal, A. M. , Mado, T. K. , Elysée, K. M. and Augustin, T. M. (2023). Prevalence and Profile of Arterial Hypertension among Workers of the National Electricity Company from 2015 to 2017, City of Kinshasa. Open Access Library Journal, 10, e9737. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1109737.


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