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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Effect of Multi-Sensory Marketing on Non-Economic Performance of Ghana’s Restaurants

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1109655, PP. 1-31

Subject Areas: Economics

Keywords: Multi-Sensory Marketing, Non-Economic Performance, Foodservice Sector, Customers’ Five Senses, Ghana

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The business environment in modern markets has changed dramatically. The constantly changing environment affects the overall efficiency and competitiveness of businesses. The way of pursuing business nowadays depends heavily on utilising new strategies, creativity, innovations and technologies. This paper is purposively designed to study the linkages between multisensory marketing factors, including sight, sound, taste, smell and touch experiences on non-financial performance in the foodservice sector. In assessing the linkages, the study used customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, service quality, repeat purchase and positive word-of-mouth as dependent variables to assess non-financial performance derived from organisational factors. A quantitative approach was the major method used and a self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted with a sample size of 482 consumers who patronised restaurant services across the Kumasi Metropolis in Ghana. Hypotheses were tested through statistical tools using SPSS and Analysis of Moment of Structures (AMOS 23.0). Factor analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) supported by maximum likelihood estimation to test the proposed hypotheses from the data collected for the study. The results of the test demonstrated that all five multi-sensory marketing factors influenced non-economic performance. The study provides support for the significance of multi-sensory marketing to enhance non-financial performance of firms in the foodservice sector. The proposed research framework can be of practical value to firms as practitioners can benefit from the outcomes of the study to achieve a competitive advantage. It is proposed that the study should be replicated in different contexts to find the similarity of results along with new findings and perspectives.

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Isaac, N. , Keelson, S. A. and Yiadom, E. B. (2023). The Effect of Multi-Sensory Marketing on Non-Economic Performance of Ghana’s Restaurants. Open Access Library Journal, 10, e9655. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1109655.


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