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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Quantification and Classification of Household Solid Waste in the City of Bukavu, DRC

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1109563, PP. 1-19

Subject Areas: Environmental Sciences

Keywords: Household, Waste, Municipality, Standard of Living

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This study focused on the management of solid household waste and its recovery in the form of organic fertilizer and took place in the three municipalities that make up the city of Bukavu. The objective of the study was to set up a management method for the fermentable fraction of waste emitted by the inhabitants of the city of Bukavu for the production of organic fertilizer. The method used consisted of a questionnaire survey coupled with laboratory experimentation and analysis. The results show that the city of Bukavu (1,021,540 inhabitants) produces 521 tons of household solid waste daily, or 0.51kg of waste per person per day. Of this waste produced, the fermentable fraction represents 50% of the overall mass and the other non-fermentable half is distributed in the following proportions: 19% plastic, 16% wood, 5% glass, 4% textile, 4% paper and 1% metal. In addition, the production of household solid waste is influenced by the standard of living of the inhabitants in the city of Bukavu. Waste management at household level by sorting into different categories is estimated at 44% compared to 56% for the 94 households from which the collection was carried out. This last percentage is essentially made up of households of avenues not having a subscription to sanitation structures in the municipality of Kadutu (avenues Boulevard Industriel, NtwaliTabora and ONL) as well as in the municipality of Bagira (avenue Nkubirwa). Considering the socio-economic context of the city of Bukavu, it was noticed that there is a waste management plan that is inconsistent with the socio-economic realities of its inhabitants. This work suggests the establishment, by political decision-makers, of a waste management plan which must take these realities into account.

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Zagabe, O. A. , Ciribuka, G. B. , Nabahungu, L. N. and Aleke, A. L. (2022). Quantification and Classification of Household Solid Waste in the City of Bukavu, DRC. Open Access Library Journal, 9, e9563. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1109563.


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