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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Case Study on the Core Features of Tertiary Non-English Majors’ DMCs in China

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1109260, PP. 1-12

Subject Areas: Language Education

Keywords: Core Features, DMCs, Non-English Majors, Chinese EFL Context

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As the latest one in the field of SLA/FLA motivational study, the theory of DMC(s) is of great significance both theoretically and pedagogically. This current paper aims at whether the core features of tertiary non-English majors’ motivational behaviors in china are in line with those outlined in the theory of DMCs. The results disclose that when the participants experienced a DMC, their goals/visions as the driving force were directed, their learning behaviors with clear start points were recurring and self-propelling, and they were generally positive, though negative occasionally. Therefore, the effectiveness of the distinguishing components of a DMC has been tested and verified in Chinese EFL context, which offers valuable enlightenment to trigger and maintain high motivation for English study in the classroom.

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Wei, Q. (2022). The Case Study on the Core Features of Tertiary Non-English Majors’ DMCs in China. Open Access Library Journal, 9, e9260. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1109260.


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