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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


An Investigation on the Characteristics of Students’ Psychological Capital of Professional Learning in Zhejiang Normal University—Taking Physical Education as an Example

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1109121, PP. 1-14

Subject Areas: Psychology, Physical Education

Keywords: Zhejiang Normal University, Students Majoring in Physical Education, Psychological Capital, Factors Affecting the Psychological Capital

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This paper mainly uses the Positive Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PPQ) compiled by Zhang Kuo et al., and randomly issues questionnaires and carries out survey statistics to explore the psychological capital characteristics of students majoring in physical education and puts forward corresponding suggestions for better shaping their good psychological capital. The research draws the following conclusions: 1) The psychological capital level of college students majoring in physical education in Zhejiang Normal University presents a good state as a whole. 2) In different grades, the self-efficacy of students in higher grades is higher than that of students in lower grades. In different genders, male college students are higher in self-efficacy, toughness and psychological capital than female college students, and there are significant differences. There is no significant difference in the psychological capital of students majoring in physical education in terms of athletes’ technical level and academic achievement. 3) The development of psychological capital in different dimensions of physical education students in Zhejiang Normal University is unbalanced, and the score of resilience is at a low level. Therefore, the quality of resilience should be actively cultivated.

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Pan, L. and Wu, Y. (2022). An Investigation on the Characteristics of Students’ Psychological Capital of Professional Learning in Zhejiang Normal University—Taking Physical Education as an Example. Open Access Library Journal, 9, e9121. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1109121.


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