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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Information and Communication Technology Literacy in Medical Studies in Fez Morocco

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1109061, PP. 1-14

Subject Areas: Information retrieval, Information and Communication: Security, Privacy, and Trust, Information Management

Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, Medical Studies, Literacy, Training

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Objective: Our objective is to evaluate the level of knowledge and competencies in the use of ICT tools and the need for training in medical staff in the faculty of medicine and pharmacy of Fez. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey from May 2021, in the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Fez in various doctor’s classes: professors, medical residents, interns, and students. The questionnaire was mainly organized into two sections about the level of 1) knowledge and competencies in the use of ICT tools and 2) the perception of importance and the need for training in these tools. Each section was made of 20 questions about the main ICT tools used in medical education Chi2 test was used to test associations between the competency of the use of ICT’s tools and the participant’s medical classes, the student’s study level and gender of the participant. The statistical analysis was carried out by the data analysis SPSS V26. Results: The majority of participants had access to computers and to the internet. Most of the participants were familiar with the use of word processing, presentation software, mailing and file management. Nevertheless, most respondents reported low competency levels in database software, data management, programming and the creation of web pages. The need for training was different according to the participant’s profile. Conclusion: Participants revealed that the use of ICT is a potentially important tool for their education and research. However, more integration of information literacy and ICT training in medical curricula is needed to enhance the better utilization of IT resources available for learning.

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Otmani, N. , Qarmiche, N. , Bourkhime, H. , Omari, M. , Chakri, I. , Maiouak, M. , Harch, I. E. , Maamar, S. B. , Diagne, B. J. , Bahra, N. , Tachfouti, N. and Fakir, S. E. (2022). Information and Communication Technology Literacy in Medical Studies in Fez Morocco. Open Access Library Journal, 9, e9061. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1109061.


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