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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Theoretical-Practical Approaches to the Concept of Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Moldova

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108957, PP. 1-27

Subject Areas: Law

Keywords: Cultural Heritage, Archaeological Heritage, Built Cultural Heritage, Mobile Cultural Heritage, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Audiovisual Cultural Heritage, Public Monuments

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In one of our previous articles on the polysemantic analysis of the concept of heritage, it was stated that the term “patrimony” has several meanings. It is used in the legal, economic, and standard language with the general meaning of goods, be they material or immaterial: the common heritage of humanity, the national cultural heritage, etc. The cultural heritage of a state is a rich and diverse range of cultural and creative expressions, a legacy left by our ancestors to its descendants. The cultural heritage of a state is of particular importance, given that it enriches the life of every citizen, is the engine of the cultural and creative industries and plays a vital role in creating and consolidating social capital. It is also an essential resource for growth, employment and social cohesion, with the ability to stimulate urban and rural development as well as boost sustainable tourism. This study is dedicated to the analysis of the concept of the cultural heritage of the R.M., its component parts, and the distinctive features of each category of cultural heritage. Also, particular importance is attributed to the specific legislation for the protection of the cultural heritage, on whose provisions, but especially on whose observance the entire protection policy of a state depends.

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Ursu, V. , Chiriac, N. and Bostan, I. (2022). Theoretical-Practical Approaches to the Concept of Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Moldova. Open Access Library Journal, 9, e8957. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1108957.


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