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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Heritage—Polysemantic Analysis of the Concept: Criteria, Forms, Definitions, and Particularities

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108934, PP. 1-28

Subject Areas: Law

Keywords: Heritage, Culture, Rights, Obligations, Goods, Assets, Liabilities, Common Heritage, Natural Heritage, Republic of Moldova

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Heritage is a polysemous term and a complex concept, which has its roots in antiquity. It has close and irrevocable links with law, human history, the culture of the nation, and the instinct of protection, conservation, and supervision of every good and every individual who stands guard over them to pass them on to his descendants. Analyzing a fundamental concept of great complexity, such as “heritage”, requires, with priority, knowing all its elements, its diversity, and the similarities and differences among these forms. The most important thing is to analyze it in all its forms and aspects to establish the most basic conclusions following this research. This article debates the many aspects of the analysis of heritage because the diversity of forms of manifestation of this concept, from legal to cultural, requires us to work together with the plurality of intellectual, scientific, political, and economic forces of a country nation and civil societies. We also have to adapt all the means of capitalization, specific to each concept of heritage, with all its characteristics and classifications.

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Ursu, V. , Chiriac, N. and Bostan, I. (2022). Heritage—Polysemantic Analysis of the Concept: Criteria, Forms, Definitions, and Particularities. Open Access Library Journal, 9, e8934. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1108934.


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