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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Biomass and Harvest Index of Two Quality Protein Corn Varieties with Bio-Fertilization in Two Luvisols of Yucatan, Mexico

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108755, PP. 1-13

Subject Areas: Agricultural Engineering

Keywords: Intensive Use, Sac Beh, Chichen Itza, Mycorrhizae, Azospirillum

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This work aimed to evaluate the above-ground Total Dry Biomass (TDB) and the Harvest Index (HI) of two quality protein maize varieties. Biofertilizers (Bio) in combination with chemical fertilizers (Chem) were applied in two Luvisols with low (Lot 1) and high (Lot 2) intensive agricultural use. Eight treatments resulted from combining the two varieties: Chichen Itza (Chich) and Sac Beh (Sac) with 1) a chemical fertilizers dose (60-80-00): (N-P2O5-K2O) alone; 2) supplemented with biofertilizers (60-80-00 Mycorrhizae Azospirillum); 3) a half nitrogen dose plus biofertilizers (30-80-00 Mycorrhizae Azospirillum) and 4) the control (00-00-00). At physiological maturity, the TDB (grain, leaves, stalks and husk) in t·ha-1 was used to calculate the Harvest Index (HI). The relationship between partial biomass (PB) on GY was assessed. No statistical differences were found. Regardless of treatments, the general average of TDB, PB and GY, of both varieties was higher in Lot 1. Sac produces more PB than Chich in all treatments including the Control. The maximum GY’s, in Lot 1 for both Chich (5.88 t·ha-1) and Sac (5.83 t·ha-1) were practically the same. T5 (Chem 1-Bio-Chich) and T6 (Chem 1-Bio-Sac) were the best treatments. However, Sac obtained the maximum HI (0.49) whilst Chich had 0.43. No effect on HI was found when applying Bio to Chich as Sac showed. The lowest HI of both varieties was found in the Control and those treatments with half nitrogen. In Lot 2, Sac continues with the highest PB (6.6 t·ha-1) with practically the same GY (4.63 t·ha-1) as Chich (4.84 t·ha-1). However, Chich, and no Sac, showed the best HI (0.46) performance with T5 (Chem 1-Bio-Chich). It seems that the GY of Sac can be more predictable if PB is used as an indicator according to high Determination Coefficients (R2) in both lots.

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Ramírez-Silva, J. H. , Lozano-Contreras, M. G. and Ramírez-Jaramillo, G. (2022). Biomass and Harvest Index of Two Quality Protein Corn Varieties with Bio-Fertilization in Two Luvisols of Yucatan, Mexico. Open Access Library Journal, 9, e8755. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1108755.


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