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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Classroom Examples: Problem-Based Learning in Secondary Education

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108656, PP. 1-16

Subject Areas: Curriculum Development

Keywords: Problem-Based Learning, Middle School Teachers, Qualitative Case Study Research, Problem Solving, 21st-Century Critical Thinking

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The most important responsibility of teachers is to give students the ability to learn, reason, think creatively and critically, make decisions, solve problems, and function as part of a team. Problem-based learning (PBL), where these skills can be acquired, has been used for many years around the world. Scholars and teachers are increasingly aligned with the application of PBL methods in secondary education. The purpose of this article is to report qualitative case study research of four middle school teachers and students, in the USA public school system, who are engaged in PBL. Data collection included semi-structured voice-recorded one-to-one interviews with all participants, classroom observation field notes, bi-monthly researcher debriefing sessions, and reviews of curriculum materials and student work. Results are organized as 3 scenarios describing PBL in action. Each scenario represents a detailed classroom description written as a first-person account to represent participant voices. The scenarios exemplify the benefits of interdisciplinary PBL as well as the often-unanticipated obstacles involved in curriculum implementation. Implications endorse a shift away from curriculum tailored to standardized testing success with more emphasis on authentic PBL that promotes real-world, 21st-century critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. Starting small, with a lesson or topic, and gradually expanding PBL experiences in classroom settings is recommended.

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Roberts, A. , Nganga, L. and James, J. (2022). Classroom Examples: Problem-Based Learning in Secondary Education. Open Access Library Journal, 9, e8656. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1108656.


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