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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Management Practices of Cooperatives in Nueva Ecija: A Basis for a Sustainable Development Program

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108515, PP. 1-21

Subject Areas: Management Organization

Keywords: Cooperatives, Management, Practices, CDA

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This study aimed to determine the management practices of the different registered cooperatives in the fourth district of Nueva Ecija, Philippines. The study focused on the management practices of the cooperatives in terms of their planning, organizing, directing and controlling functions. The study utilized a descriptive method of research. The participants of the study were 394 respondents composed of the board of directors, committee chairmen, committee members, management groups/staff, and members of the different registered cooperatives in the said congressional district of the province. Management of cooperatives surveyed possesses good planning practices as the board of directors are highly involved in developing strategic plan consists of systematic ways to achieve the goals and objectives of the cooperative. In terms of the organizing function, the board of directors being the highest policy-making body of the cooperatives is involved in hiring essential and skilled cooperative personnel. The executives of the cooperatives take full responsibility for training and motivating the office staff and other personnel as part of the directing function of the cooperatives’ management. As to controlling function, the board of directors and managers ensure excellent results on every endeavor of the cooperatives through effective monitoring and control systems including financial and management reports. The study also proposed a sustainable development plan in terms of management practices for the different cooperatives. The study recommended that cooperatives should continue working with Cooperatives De- velopment Authority in order to stay grounded to the principles, values and practices of cooperatives.

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Mina, J. C. , Domingo, A. V. and Quijano, M. F. T. (2022). Management Practices of Cooperatives in Nueva Ecija: A Basis for a Sustainable Development Program. Open Access Library Journal, 9, e8515. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1108515.


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