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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Mangrove Dynamics near Douala International Airport (Cameroon Coastal)

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108184, PP. 1-15

Subject Areas: Ecology, Plant Science

Keywords: Dynamic, Mangrove, Douala, Sustainable Management

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The purpose of this research is to assess the evolution of the mangrove swamp near Douala international airport over the past five decades. The study is based on the collection and processing of data (bibliographic, aerial photographs respectively from 1974, 2003 and 2009; Landsat Multispectral scanner satellite images from 1974, Quickbird from 2003 and Geo Eye from 2012 and 2020). The study is also based on observations and surveys (with 37 semi-interviews, 03 focus groups and the administration of a questionnaire to 217 households spread over the three districts of the perimeter). The analysis shows a regressive dynamic of the mangrove in favor of constructions, since the cover increases from (467.11), (357.53) and (212.53) hectares respectively in 1974, 2003 and 2012. The illustration of 2020 shows a considerable degradation of the remaining cover which is partly replaced by constructions. Several factors explain this degradation of the mangrove. These include demographic growth, ambient poverty, and the lack of specific legislation for sustainable mangrove management. The diversification of income-generating activities, the implementation of improved smokehouses and reforestation, and sensitization of the local population constitute solutions that can promote sustainable mangrove management.

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Lontsi, F. R. Z. , Tchawa, P. and Happy, J. Y. (2021). Mangrove Dynamics near Douala International Airport (Cameroon Coastal). Open Access Library Journal, 8, e8184. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1108184.


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