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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Research on Characteristics and Programming of Simulated Human Intelligence

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107980, PP. 1-18

Subject Areas: Artificial Intelligence

Keywords: The Intelligence That Simulates Humans, Parallel Storage, Recall Interference, Attention Distribution, Excited, Rewards and Punishments

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This paper concluded that parallel storage similar to the human brain must have the following characteristics: 1) The connection mode of its information storage is scattered and parallel. 2) The operating pattern of this system must be similar to that of the nervous system for memory, facilitation, and recall. Because of this similarity, we can “borrow” some concepts from neuroscience to describe Advanced intelligent basic programming the attributes of parallel storage systems. 3) The excitation mode of this system must be selective excitation. 4) Memory interference is one of the most important characteristics of parallel storage system. We can’t eliminate recall interference completely, but there are a number of steps can take to keep within the limits of our tolerance. 5) Memory interference requires only excitatory memory columns in the contact area. 6) The “memory excitation” mode of the parallel storage system for information must be the fuzzy “memory excitation”, which is inevitable of memory interference. Whereafter, This paper describes and discusses how and why to program on the theoretical basis of the first part. Includes an introduction to functions that enable memory, recall, stimulation, excitement. And the relationship between memory, memory, fuzzy excitement, excitement, reward and punishment, attention distribution and their significance in solving memory interference.

Cite this paper

Cheng, H. (2021). Research on Characteristics and Programming of Simulated Human Intelligence. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e7980. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107980.


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