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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Variations in the Human Pulmonary Fissures and Lobes: A Cadaveric Study

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107787, PP. 1-13

Subject Areas: Radiology & Medical Imaging, Cardiology

Keywords: Lobes, Fissures, Accessory Fissure, Accessory Lobe

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The objective of this study was to describe the variations in human pulmonary fissuration in a cadaveric Kenyan population. Data were collected from 48 formalin-fixed cadavers in the department of Human Anatomy, University of Nairobi, Kenya; with 38 right and 32 left lungs meeting the study’s inclusion criteria. The fissures were studied irrespective of the cadaver’s sex and were classified anatomically as proposed by Craig and Walker (1997). Out of the 38 right lungs examined, the horizontal fissure was absent in 4 lungs (10.5%), incomplete in 16 lungs (42.1%), and complete in 18 lungs (47.3%). Out of the 32 left lungs, the oblique fissure was incomplete in 11 lungs (34.4%) and complete in 21 lungs (65.6%). An accessory fissure was observed in 3 right lungs (7.9%); 2 of which were inferior accessory fissures and 1 being an azygous fissure. Twelve left lungs (37.5%) had an accessory fissure; all of which were left minor fissures. The present study details important variations in the anatomy of the human pulmonary fissure in Kenya. Knowledge and awareness of these findings are paramount, due to their implications in clinical practice, such as in the interpretation of thoracic images by radiologists and preoperative planning by thoracic surgeons.

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Mutua, V. , Cheruiyot, I. , Bundi, B. , Mong'are, N. , Kipkorir, V. and Othieno, E. (2021). Variations in the Human Pulmonary Fissures and Lobes: A Cadaveric Study. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e7787. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107787.


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