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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Microbiological Control of Internal Surfaces of Appliances in the Butcher’s Cold Chain in Lubumbashi

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107731, PP. 1-9

Subject Areas: Nutrition, Microbiology

Keywords: Control, Microbial Contamination, Internal Surfaces, Cold Chain Devices

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Introduction: Food contamination with microorganisms can occur at any stage of the process, from food production to consumption, and can be the result of environmental contamination. This study was carried out in order to identify the microorganisms forming the flora and to determine the level of microbial contamination of the internal surfaces of devices in the cold chain of butcher shops. Method: This is a comparative cross-sectional descriptive study of 30 internal surfaces of ten devices in the chain of two butchers. Results: It seems that the sampling points of Butchery 1 have the highest level of contamination at 87% compared to Butchery 2 (46.67%) with a p = 0.02508 (<0.05). the organisms isolated were S. aureus (54%) and albus (23%), fusarium and A. niger respectively with 8%, and A. fumagitus (7%); against 47% (Boucherie II) with a, The isolated microorganisms were S. aureus (43%), 29% for K. planticola and 14% for A. fumagitus and fusarium spp. The level of surface contamination for all isolated organisms was >1000 CFU/cm2. The operating temperature range of the devices varied between -2°C and 6°C, with an average of -3.2°C in Butchery 1 versus -4.6°C and 6°C, with an average of -4°C, 7°C for the Butcher 2. Conclusion: Food pathogens and opportunists can survive on the surfaces of cold chain equipment in butcher shops and therefore pose a risk of cross- contamination.

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Diyoka, C. K. , Omba, I. K. , Lambo, G. N. , Ilunga, E. K. , Mposhy, P. E. M. and Mjumbe, C. K. (2021). Microbiological Control of Internal Surfaces of Appliances in the Butcher’s Cold Chain in Lubumbashi. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e7731. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107731.


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