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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Legal Liability for Violation of Romania’s Legislation Regarding the Protection of Historical Monuments, an Integral Part of the National Cultural Heritage

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107475, PP. 1-18

Subject Areas: Law

Keywords: Legal Liability, Cultural Heritage, Real Estate, Historical Monument, Cultural Values, Crime

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The loss of cultural property is irreparable and irreversible. Any disappearance of cultural heritage will inevitably affect all areas of the life of present and future generations will lead to spiritual impoverishment, ruptures in historical memory, and the ruin of society as a whole. They cannot be compensated either by the development of modern culture or by the creation of significant new works. The accumulation and preservation of cultural values is the basis for the development of civilization. The research topic is the analysis of Romanian legislation, which provides responsibility for the destruction or damage of history and culture monuments; the practice of applying these rules in the field of use and protection of monuments of history and culture; trends and ways of developing the legislation in this field; lastly, the problems of improving the criminal and contravention legislation on this subject. There are a series of norms of criminalization of some antisocial behaviors in the field of protection of the immovable national cultural heritage in the legislation in force. Thus, the central objective of this study is to systematically present the rules that correspond to this description.

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Chiriac, N. , Ursu, V. and Bostan, I. (2021). Legal Liability for Violation of Romania’s Legislation Regarding the Protection of Historical Monuments, an Integral Part of the National Cultural Heritage. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e7475. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107475.


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