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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Experiences of Smoking Cessation Focused on Barriers and Facilitators by Husbands with Smoking Tobaccos during Wives Getting Pregnant with Anemia in Urban Community: A Qualitative Research

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107460, PP. 1-13

Subject Areas: Nursing, Public Health

Keywords: Barriers and Facilitators, Smoking Cessation, Husbands, Qualitative Research

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Background: Smoking induces hypoxia, inflammation, and oxidative stress to the body. Especially, pregnant women with anemia, who are being second- hand smokers. They may lead to adverse health outcomes. Purpose: This phenomenological study aimed to explore the experiences and perceptions of smoking cessation techniques focused on barriers and facilitators by husbands with smoking tobaccos during wives getting pregnant with anemia. Methods: This study was a qualitative study based on Heidegger humanistic phenomenology as a research methodology. Data were collected by using in- depth interview, voice record, observation, and field note record from April to August 2019. The saturated sample size of this study was 15 participants. Purposive sampling was used to select willing smokers based on inclusion criteria. The participants were interviewed with the family members until the data saturation was met at home. Data were analyzed using Van Manen’s Method. Trustworthiness was established following the criteria of Lincoln and Guba. There were four themes of barriers and facilitators by using Van Manen’s four lifeworld existentials: 1) corporeality or lived body; 2) temporality or lived time; 3) spatiality or living space; 4) relationality or lived relation. The study focused on the experiences of smoking cessation techniques, the barriers and facilitators to support quitting tobacco. Results: The findings help to understand the phenomena of tobacco control in husband smokers during wives getting pregnant with anemia. All of the interviewees identified the barriers and facilitators to stop smoking based on the policy at workplace, social support, and multi alternative therapies for smoking cessation. Conclusion: Nurses can develop effective smoking cessation among the husband smokers based on the contexts to promote health for smokers and second-hand smokers in the urban community.

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Tungtrongvisolkit, N. and Seaharattanapatum, B. (2021). Experiences of Smoking Cessation Focused on Barriers and Facilitators by Husbands with Smoking Tobaccos during Wives Getting Pregnant with Anemia in Urban Community: A Qualitative Research . Open Access Library Journal, 8, e7460. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107460.


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