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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Nursing Care in the Functional Disabilities of the Elderly in Primary Health Care: Systematic Review with Meta-Synthesis

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107431, PP. 1-18

Subject Areas: Geriatrics, Nursing, Cognitive Disorders

Keywords: Nurse, Nursing Care, Old Man, Functional Disability, Primary Health Care

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When considering the elderly, we must realize the profound particularities in their daily lives, because the elderly has vulnerabilities that result from the aging process. This study aims to develop a systematic review followed by meta-synthesis based on the findings of qualitative primary scientific research, on nursing care in the face of Functional Incapacity of the Elderly in Primary Health Care starting with the research question: How does the nursing care process for elderly people with functional incapacity occur in primary health care? This is a systematic literature review with the elaboration of meta-synthesis. The search for the articles occurred in the databases of the Regional Portal VHL (Virtual Health Library); Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD); PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. The sample consisted of seven original articles of qualitative methodology, one of which was a mixed method. Data analysis followed the guidance of content analysis. The thematic category was identified: The process of nursing care for elderly patients with functional incapacity focuses on primary health care. It was concluded that nurses take care of elderly people with functional incapacity in the basic health unit, at home and in nursing homes, evaluating, planning, and implementing activities that prevent risks, treat complaints and integrate these elderly people into community projects. This care is performed through nursing consultation, integrated into programs, and using tools and protocols.

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Silva, A. G. I. D. , Lameira, M. B. F. , Campos, J. E. R. , Neri, L. M. A. , Garcez, J. C. D. , Costa, G. F. , Araujo, M. R. D. S. , Ferreira, M. F. D. C. and Sardinha, D. M. (2021). Nursing Care in the Functional Disabilities of the Elderly in Primary Health Care: Systematic Review with Meta-Synthesis. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e7431. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107431.


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